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Alpha Labs

Breast Support

Breast Support

Regular price $39.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $39.99 USD
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Ingredients: Annona muricata leaf, Physalis angulata leaf, Scoparia dulcis herb, Maytenus krukovii bark, Guazuma ulmifolia bark, Momordica charantia seed, Pfaffia paniculata root, Uncaria tomentosa bark, Schinus molle bark

**Daily Value not established

Direction: As a herbal supplement, take two capsules twice daily, or as directed by a health care professional.

Helping Your Body Fight the Good Fight

Botanical Support capsules are the latest weapon in our arsenal of nutritional-support formulae. Using botanical sources from both North and South America, these formulas contain well-established phytochemicals that have played an important role in the ethno botanical history of native peoples for centuries. Herbologics has put together ten unique formulations designed to optimally target ten critical areas of the body: bones, breast, brain, cervix/ovaries/uterus, colorectal, kidney/liver, blood/lymph, pancreas, lung, and prostate. As always you should consult your doctor or health practitioner before embarking on any nutritional program.

Important Note: This botanical support product is formulated for breast cancer patients who are estrogen / progesterone negative. If your breast cancer is estrogen / progesterone positive OR you are not certain, please use Blood/Lymph.

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